Early adventures
The first Tex Willer's adventure appears in newspaper kiosk on the 30 september 1948, in the mythical "strip" size. The
"first" Tex is an outlaw against his will, with a code of honour: he kills only for defending. Almost immediately, however,
Tex becomes a ranger. Thanks to an Indian marriage with the beautiful Lilyth, he becomes (with the name Eagle of the night)
head of the Navajos and brave defender of Indians' laws. Hard, loyal, infallible with the gun, Tex is very quick, he doesn't
care for the rules: he beats the "bad" that often acknowledges! Because of his character, everyone calls Tex for help where
there is the need of anybody without fear and without "tied up hands".
The friend of almost all the adventures, since the enlistment in the ranger,
is the old Kit Carson. A fundamental role has been held by Tex Willer's child, Kit Willer, and by the navajo Tiger Jack. It's
impossible to remember all the other friends of Tex, met in thousand adventures, from the Texas' tracks to the San Francisco's
Chinatown , from the Canadian snowed expanses to the Maya temples in Mexico... His recurrent friends are: the mysterious El Morisco, the Mexican Montales,
the strong Gros Jean, the Irish Pat Mac Ryan, the coat red Jim Brandon, the police officer Tom Devlin, the Indian Cochise,
the wizard Red Cloud.
He is a ranger working for the Indian Department, and he is the Indian Agent
of Navajo Reservation in Arizona. He is also the chief of all Navajo tribes, because he married his predecessor's daughter Lilith.
His nemesis (or eternal enemy) is Mefisto, a magician who practices dark magic. Other enemies met along the way are Yama (Mefisto's son), The Black Tiger (a Malaysian prince who hates the white race and seeks its destruction in USA), Proteus (a man capable of transforming his face to take another person's place; he is
currently dead).
In Other Parts of World
Tex Willer character started coming in South India through Lion comics in Tamil language and it is still a very popular character.
Lion comics has brought many cowboy heroes, but the best known of all is Tex. "Thalai vanki kurangu", meaning "head seeking
ape", is considered to be one of his best. In Norway Tex Willer has also run continuously since 1971, with 11 to 17 (on average
120 page) issues a year.