
chick Bill
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Chick Bill சிக் பில்
Wood-City would be a village as so much of others in Arizona if there were not his sheriff Dog Bull and his assistant Kid Ordinn.

One cannot however do without the other and inversément. Dog Bull and Kid Ordinn, it is Laurel and Hardy in Far West. The cow-boy Chick Bill and Small-Poodle, crafty one like any Sioux, are fortunately there to clear up the muddles.
In 1953, that thus made more than 50 years, Lombard launches the review “Junior” intended for the children who do not have the age to read “Tintin”. The high-speed motorboat is Chick Bill!


Tibet is an initial draughtsman when in 1950, Lombard engages it as assistant with page-setting of the newspaper “Tintin”. One day, the editor asks him to create an animalist series in the spirit of Disney. Are born thus Chick Bill, a cow-boy with a mane of lion cub, Small-Poodle, a Sioux with head of pup, Dog Bull, a sheriff with face of bulldog, and Kid Ordinn, its assistant of the muzzle of pig. They live in Arizona where the Indians are emplumés like birds…
Finding monstrous, Hergé refuses to accomodate them in its newspaper!

Little by little, Tibet will humanize the features of its characters until making them worthy of the approval of Hergé. In 1955, Chick Bill and its friends will become like high-speed motorboats of Lombard Ric Hochet launched the same year by Tibet and Duchâteau…
The oldest titles, from now on exhausted, are republished in the form of integrals.


In 1953, the Editions of Lombard launch the review “Junior” who aims at the children younger than the readers of the newspaper “Tintin”. The high-speed motorboat is a cow-boy called Chick Bill…
Resulting from the drafting of Brussels of the “Newspaper of Mickey”, the young Tibet draughtsman sees himself committed as assistant with page-setting of the newspaper “Tintin”. Its keen desire is obviously to draw for the weekly magazine from the 7 to 77 years than supervises Hergé. Impassioned western and of whodunnit, he would like to specialize in one of these kinds. One day, in order to touch a larger audience, the editor asks him to create an animalist series in the spirit of Disney. Are born thus a cow-boy with a mane russet-red from lion cub called Chick Bill traversing Arizona in company of Small-Poodle, a small Sioux with head of pup, and resident with Wood-City, a city directed by the sheriff with face of bulldog Dog Bull and its assistant of the muzzle of pig Kid Ordinn. Inevitable Indiens, them, is very emplumés like birds… But, Hergé refuses to accomodate in its newspaper, these characters with heads of animals! Two years after, their humorous adventures will however occupy the two central pages of “Junior”. Little by little, Tibet will humanize their features to become in 1955, of the high-speed motorboats of Lombard like Ric Hochet launched the same year by Tibet…

